
How to file KRA tax returns

08:47 AM

Every year, the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) requires Kenyan adults to file their KRA tax returns, whether employed or not.

The returns are classified into different categories which include income tax for resident individuals, non-resident individuals, companies, partnerships, PAYE, turnover tax, Value Added Tax (VAT) and excise duty.

Filing KRA tax returns electronically

To file taxes electronically, please follow the following steps:-

  • Log in using your KRA PIN and password.
  • Click on ‘e-Returns’ from the navigation menu
  • On the page that appears, the system will automatically set your KRA PIN on the ‘Taxpayer PIN’ dialogue box. On the ‘Tax obligation’, select the applicable type of tax returns and click ‘Next’.
  • Based on the tax obligation you have selected, it opens the relevant tax form.
  • The system will prompt you to download the tax returns form in Excel or ODS format. Click the relevant link to download the template and save it on your computer.
  • On the downloaded tax returns form, fill in all the applicable information and save your document on your computer. The required information, which is in the P9 form provided by the employer includes your personal information, income, PAYE, House Ownership Savings Plan (HOSP), Mortgage deductions, and Personal Relief for the year.
  • Make sure you enable macros to be able to ‘Validate’ and Zip your File.
  • Click on ‘Validate’ to validate the return and to generate an upload file for uploading to i-Tax
  • Go to the iTax tax return filing page and select the period for which you are filing the returns.
  • Upload the zip file and agree to the terms and conditions by ticking the checkbox.
  • Click the ‘Submit’ button to upload the returns and click ‘OK’ for the pop-up message ‘Do you want to upload the form’


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