A 19-year-old student in a school in Ntimaru, Migori county, was arrested for possessing bhang after an impromptu inspection.
In a statement, the student was nabbed with 16 rolls of bhang, one matchbox, one gas lighter, one bamboo roller sticker, and two rizlas rolling paper.
“This was a case yesterday in one high school in Ntimaru (name withheld) Migori County when a 19-year-old (name withheld) was upon an impromptu inspection by the school administration nabbed possessing 16 rolls of bhang, one matchbox, one gas lighter, one bamboo roller sticker, and two Rizla rolling paper,” a statement bu police read.
At the same time, police sent a warning to students appealing to students to avoid crime and drugs and substance abuse.
“Officers promptly called in and arrested the student pending court action. This should serve as a warning to all students to avoid a pathway to crime through drug abuse and other forms of debauchery. Abuse of drugs and substances has no gain in life; it only leads to self-destruction,” the statement further read.
The teenager is still in custody, awaiting arraignment in court.
— National Police Service-Kenya (@NPSOfficial_KE) June 21, 2022
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