Chaos emerged at Komo village in Thika, Kiambu County after supporters of two area aspirant MCAs clashed during the launch of the first-ever dispensary in the area.
The trouble began when the vehicle of Macharia Mwangi trooped to Komo Primary School where the dispensary has been put up by former Gatuanyaga MCA Cecilia Wamaitha bearing Chama Cha Kazi (CCK) branding.
This angered Wamaitha’s supporters who crowded around the vehicle and ejected the driver before destroying parts of it.
The furious residents took issue with Mwangi for flaunting the election code of conduct by intruding on the meeting of his challenger.
The vehicle was soon after ejected out of the venue and Mwangi was expelled with kicks and blows.
At the same time, Kiambu senator Kimani Wamatangi’s driver was severely injured.
Addressing the chaos, Wamaitha took issue with Macharia for misbehaving
“He is one of us here but misbehaved because of his naivety. They will however not derail our dream to have a good hospital in this village,” Wamaitha stated.
The event was also attended by Kiambu governor James Nyoro and aspirants, George Maara and David Kariuki Ngari alias Gakuyo.