Police in Matungulu, Machakos County have launched investigations into the death of a form three student who allegedly killed herself at school.
In the incident confirmed by Matungulu deputy Sub-County police commander Evans Mose, the deceased reportedly took her life after she was accused of stealing Ksh2,500 pocket money belonging to a fellow student.
“She was adversely mentioned as a suspect by most of her colleagues when the matter was being investigated,” Mose told a local publication.
Upon admission that she (the deceased) had stolen the money, the school’s deputy principal asked her (the deceased) to retrieve it from where she had hidden it and hand it over to the school’s administration.
“The deceased admitted that she stole the money and had kept it in the dormitory,” Mose added.
The girl failed to return, prompting the deputy principal to fetch her from the dormitory.
Upon her arrival at the dormitory, the deputy principal found the girl’s body hanging from the roof of a toilet inside the said dormitory.
The body of the deceased was moved to Kangundo level four hospital mortuary pending a postmortem.