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Floods calamity: King Charles III sends message of solidarity to Kenya

King Charles III and Queen Consort Camilla have sent a message of solidarity to Kenya following the floods calamity which has claimed several lives.

In their message, the duo attributed the devastating floods to climate change, which they say should be tackled collectively by the world.

“It was with great concern that my wife and I learnt recently of the terrible flooding that has ravaged Kenya and the region, and which continues to impact so many of your people. We can only begin to imagine the anguish of those who have lost loved ones and seen their livelihoods devastated. Our thoughts are also with those emergency workers and others who are working long hours to support those who have been so dreadfully affected,” the message read in part.

“The increased unpredictability and violence of weather systems remind us of how utterly vital it is that the world act together and with all despatch to mitigate and adapt to climate change. As we discussed during our visit to Kenya last year, the challenge of climate change and biodiversity loss falls to all of us to address: at stake is our very quality of life and survival as a world.”

This comes at a time when Government Spokesperson Isaac Mwaura revealed that the UK government has already donated Ksh140 million towards the flood calamity.

“Remembering with great fondness the welcome we received on my visit last year, and the friendship between our two countries we wanted to send our deepest sympathy and affection to the people of Kenya,” King Charles III and Queen Camila said.

Mwaura has also announced that the country has received aid from other humanitarian organisations including the UN and UNICEF.

“Already, the UN has pledged support of up to Ksh900 million, while Unicef will give 6,900 households cash transfers. The UK government has already donated Ksh140 million, and most importantly, President William Ruto has ordered that all the 40,000 households that are affected be given Ksh10,000 cash transfers. The government remains committed to mitigating the effects of the floods across the country, through the National Emergency Response Mechanism,” Mwaura stated.

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