‘My 13-year-old niece was forced to test for HIV to join school’ – city lawyer Steve Ogolla cries foul

A vocal city lawyer Steve Ogolla on Monday, August 2, criticized the Ministry of Education for forced HIV and Pregnancy tests on his niece.
In a Twitter post that has generated mixed reactions, the lawyer says that he was shocked after learning the tests were a requirement for her 13-year-old to meet in order to join form one.
The lawyer claims that the rights of his niece were violated since she was entitled to “consent and counselling” before and after.
“No matter the rationale, HIV testing cannot be conducted without consent and counselling, before and after. I am completely devastated to learn this” Ogolla said in the tweets.
Steve Ogolla who became popular by participating in TV debates said the revelations have angered him and his family and they are questioning whether the Ministry of Education gave clearance for the tests.
“I have learnt with extreme shock and anguish that my niece was forcibly tested for pregnancy and HIV as a precondition for admission. Did the Ministry of Education approve this?” he asked.