Comedian and radio presenter Felix Oduor alias Jalango has lashed out at former Kiss FM show host Andrew Kibe over remarks the latter made in regard to an interviewee on Jalango’s TV show.
On Thursday, September 16, Jalango interviewed Mayau Dreamchaser, a Kisumu-based clothes seller whose video of him hawking second-hand clothes went viral.
Tow days after the interview, Kibe shared a video criticizing Jalango for giving airtime to Mayau who chose to dress like a woman.
“Jalas wacha ushenzi, whoever is producing the show for you anakutupisha mbaya,” the self-confessed homophobic presenter of rogue radio said before adding, “please stop being lambistic… ata kama ni kutafuta watu wanatrend, please stop!”
In response, Jalango defended the viral mtumba guy saying that all Mayau was trying to do is earn an honest living.
“Surely, mtumba guy amefanya nini? Guy just found a way to hustle and put food on his table, did you watch the whole story ama you watched the first few minutes and pressed next?” Jalango paused.
Before lashing out at Kibe, Jalango further explained how cross-dressing is a common marketing strategy in western counties including the USA.
“Hata sko pahali sko, billioner entertainers crosss dressed. Tyler Perry, Cedric the Entertainer, Martin Lawrence and many bro are they lamaistic or it’s the hustle. Yes I hear you but hustle lazier iendelee,” Jalang’o said.
The popular radio presenter further defended mtumba guy stating that the hawker has earned life-changing deals after his video went viral.
“As we speak, mtumba guy just got life-changing deals that will see him move a step from poverty! Nathani wewe hujawahi sota vizuri. Siku utasota poa, which I hope you don’t, wewe utavaa hata dera!Lambistic!” Jalang’o retorted.