Robert Kirubi, who is the second born child to the late Chris Kirubi who died on Monday, June 14 at Nairobi Hospital on Friday spoke out about his relationship with his late dad.
Addressing mourners at the funeral service which took place at the Faith Evangelistic Ministries in Karen, Robert eulogised his father saying that he was a man who was very generous.
Robert said that after turning down a job offer which he was given by his father, they never parted ways and always spoke since the deceased was a man who loved good argument.
“Whenever we had an argument about something, we realised that it was a way of telling each other that I miss you. After the argument he always made sure that my pockets were filled with either dollars or pounds,” he said.
In addition, Robert said that his father was also very intelligent and respected anyone who had good debates.
Robert said that he will personally after the burial of his father will refuse to accept that as a family, they had lost anything.
According to him, his father lived on every single person’s life that he touched and every single person who acted upon his advice, counsel and mentorship.
Four years ago, Robert denied a job offer that was given to him by his father who wanted him to run his empire.
Speaking during a Churchill Show, the deceased said that his son was working abroad and he must have been given a good offer reason he dropped his father’s offer.
Kirubi is survived by Robert and his sister Mary- Ann Musangi and five grandchildren.
According to doctors, Kirubi died just a day after he was put on oxygen at Nairobi Hospital moments after he started experiencing breathing difficulties.