A middle-aged man has been handed a 100-year jail term for terrorism offences.
Osman Lado Gale was found guilty of 12 counts related to terrorism by Isiolo Chief Magistrate Lucy Mutahi.
Mutahi convicted Gale for various offences related to terrorism among them being a member of a terrorist group, being in possession of a mobile phone containing terrorism articles, planning to commit a terrorism act, offering training and recruitment of members of a terrorist group, soliciting and giving support to terrorist groups.
In her judgement, the magistrate noted that the prosecution had proved beyond any reasonable doubt that the accused person was a member of the outlawed militia group and that evidence tabled in court confirmed that he was in involved in the group’s heinous activities.
“You are hereby sentenced as follows for count one 15 years, for count two 30 years, counts 3,4,5,6,7,8,9, 15 years, counts 10 and 11 you are handed 25 years in prison to count 12 you will serve 15 years,” Mutahi ruled.
The magistrate said the sentences will run concurrently meaning Gale will only be in jail for 30 years.
Gale was arrested at Isiolo Police station on March 28, 2017, while allegedly doing surveillance at the facility.
He was found in possession of a mobile phone that contained terror-related videos and articles.
He was given 14 days to appeal lodge an appeal if dissatisfied with the ruling.