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10 foods to avoid on an empty stomach

Citrus fruits on display. PHOTO/ Print.

In the current world, everyone tends to give advice on what to eat and what not. One of the most common advice has been pertaking a glass of yogurt or smoothie or a banana in the morning on an empty belly.However, it is good to know that some foods, should not be eaten while hungry.

1. Bananas

You may have heard of “the morning banana diet”, which promotes eating one or more bananas for breakfast and nothing else, eating bananas on an empty stomach might not be the best idea. Bananas contain high amounts of magnesium and potassium, which can lead to an imbalance of magnesium and potassium in blood. Bananas are a prime example of eating the right food at the wrong time.

2. Yoghurt

The primary reason to avoid putting yogurt on an empty stomach is because the benefits of the lactic acid bacteria found in yogurt is rendered ineffective due to the high acidity of stomach when it is empty. Therefore, one gains little of yogurt’s health benefits when consumed first thing in the morning.

3. Pre-mixed oatmeal

Oatmeal is a healthy option for breakfast, as oats are high in fibre, vitamins, protein, and do not contain gluten. However, instant oatmeal packages have lots of added sugar, salt, and artificial colouring. If you don’t have time to prepare regular oats, only chose the unsweetened, plain instant ones and pay attention to its preservative and fibre content.

4. Raw green vegetables

Although vegetables are generally healthy, eating them on an empty stomach may cause irritation in some people, and can even lead to gas, bloating, and abdominal pain. One of the reasons for that is the insoluble fibre contained in most greens, which should be particularly avoided by people with digestion problems.

5. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are rich in vitamins, low in calories, and nutritious. However, they should not be consumed on an empty stomach as they can cause stomach aches and general discomfort. Similar to some green vegetables, tomatoes contain soluble astringents, causing a reaction with gastric acid.

6. Citrus fruits

Eating citrus fruits on an empty stomach should be avoided by people diagnosed with diabetes or by those who have sensitive stomachs. High-acidic fruits such as oranges, lemons, limes, and grapefruit can negatively interact with our digestive juices and cause irritation, heartburn, and gastric problems. Additionally, fruits high in carbohydrates can raise morning sugar levels, which can be dangerous for diabetics. If you want to improve your digestive health, add walnuts to your breakfast routine.

7. Cold beverages

Cold drinks of any type on an empty stomach can cause irritation of the stomach and intestines. You should be, especially concerned about cold carbonated beverages, as they result in bloating and a general uncomfortable feeling in the stomach. It is more advisable to have a glass of warm water in the morning before having your breakfast as it improves digestion, circulation, and helps with weight loss.

8. Pears

Although pears are a generally healthy snack full of vitamins, potassium, and are low in calories, it is advisable to avoid eating pears for breakfast. Pears contain crude fibre, which can damage the stomach’s delicate mucous membranes when eaten on an empty stomach. It is especially true for hard pears. This does not mean that you should avoid pears altogether. In fact, some studies show that people who eat pears are less likely to become obese and tend to have a more high-quality diet.

9. Cereals

A bowl of cereal may be a convenient meal to eat for breakfast, but its large amount of sugar and refined carbs is bad for you. Although it feels filling at first, cereal will spike your blood sugar and insulin levels. A few hours later, you will start craving snacks as your blood sugar crashes. A 2013 study compared obese adults who skip breakfast to those who eat cereal and to those who consume eggs for breakfast. The participants who consumed a high-protein breakfast with eggs felt fuller longer and craved snacks less than the other two groups. Think about this the next time you are trying to decide between having fried eggs or cereal for breakfast.

10. Smoothies

There is nothing wrong with having a smoothie for breakfast, but only if it is correctly balanced and combined with other foods. More often than not, your smoothie may end up being too low in calories and protein as it only contains carbs — most of them being from sugar. To solve this problem, avoid sweetening your smoothie and find ways to add protein and fat to it like with yogurt or avocado. Alternatively, you can drink your smoothie alongside scrambled eggs.



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