Friday 28th, June, 2024

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Crime & Scandal

Police assure judiciary officials of safety after court shooting incident

Police IG Japhet Koome has assured the security of all judiciary officers. PHOTO/X (@NPSOfficial_KE)
Police IG Japhet Koome has assured the security of all judiciary officers. PHOTO/X (@NPSOfficial_KE)

The National Police Service through the office of the Inspector General Japhet Koome has assured judicial officers of their safety following the fatal shooting of a judge at Makadara Law Courts on June 13, 2024.

The shooting and consequent death of Principal Magistrate Monica Kivuti has elicited calls for better protection of judicial officers in their line of duty in the days following the incident.

Late Judiciary Principal Magistrate Monica Kivuti. PHOTOS/@OAmollo/X
Late Judiciary Principal Magistrate Monica Kivuti. PHOTOS/@OAmollo/X

In a statement from the office of the Inspector General, the Police Service has vowed to continue upholding its protective mandate through the Critical Infrastructure Protection Unit (CIPU), the Security of Government Buildings (SGB) Unit, and the Judiciary Police Unit.

“Following the tragic loss of the Makadara Law Courts’ Principal Magistrate, Hon. Monica Kivuti who succumbed to gunshot wounds inflicted by a police officer on June 13, 2024, at the Makadara Law Courts, the National Police Service would like to re-assure the Hon. Chief Justice and President of the Supreme Court of Kenya, of the safety and security of judicial staff while discharging their official mandate. This remains a matter of priority to the Service.

“NPS Critical Infrastructure Protection Unit (CIPU) and the Security of Government Buildings (SGB) Unit continue to provide security to Court buildings among other critical infrastructure;

“The establishment of the Judiciary Police Unit in 2021 to provide comprehensive security to the Judiciary is part of the stringent and long-term measures that the Service has taken to enhance our efficiency in securing the Judicial Staff,” the statement read in part.

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Koome also highlighted the swift response of police to neutralise the shooter even with courts all over the country expected to remain closed on Tuesday, June 18, 2024, to mourn Kivuti following the directions of Chief Justice Martha Koome.

“Police stations assign protective safety and security duties to all Courts Countrywide. It is worth mentioning that it was the swift action by Police Court Orderlies that contained the Makadara shooting incident on that fateful day including the neutralization of the perpetrator.” The statement reads.

The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) has also postponed interviews for the position of Judge of the Court of Appeal scheduled for June 18 to 21, 2024.

In a statement on Sunday, June 16, 2024, JSC secretary Winfridah Mokaya said the postponement was meant to mourn and honour the life and service of the magistrate.

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