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Kenyans in various nightclubs stop partying to chant anti-Finance Bill 2024 slogans ahead of Tuesday’s demos

Screengrabs of Kenyans partying yesterday as they chanted anti-Finance Bill 2024 slogans. PHOTOS/Screengrabs/X

A section of Kenyans on Saturday, June 22, 2024, thronged nightclubs in honour of the anti-Finance Bill 2024 action plan shared on Thursday

In videos seen by K24 Digital, the youthful Kenyans stopped partying midway to chant anti-Finance Bill slogans including ‘reject’, ‘Ruto must go’ and even the country’s national anthem in solidarity against the contentious bill which sailed to the Third Reading.

The latest action which aligns with the latest program dubbed ‘7 days of Rage’ that began on Friday, June 21, 2024, is meant to mount pressure on Members of Parliament (MPs) to reject this year’s Finance Bill.

The lineup from the program had dictated that all bars and clubs attended by Gen Zs stop the music to listen to chants of ‘Ruto must go’ and ‘Reject Finance Bill’.

“Despite our collective cry rejecting Finance Bill 2024, Parliament gave Zakayo the right to do wrong to 54 million Kenyans. We reject the Finance Bill in its entirety. And despite our peaceful protests, police have responded with bullets, killing two of our own, maiming many others and one person is in critical condition. We refuse to be silenced, so we’re marching on,” the notice shared alongside the program reads in parts.

According to the poster, today’s program will see a section of Kenyans against the controversial bill deplatforming politicians who voted yes to the bill in churches.

Screengrab of the action plan shared by Activist Boniface Mwangi. PHOTO/@BonifaceMwangi/X

Gen Zs who are the new faces of demos, have relentlessly taken to the streets to dispute the bill which they say is a burden to the already struggling citizen.

Their ardent determination has sparked debate nationwide with a section of political analysts stating that they are likely to lead a revolution in the country.

However, a section of leaders led by National Assembly Majority Leader Kimani Ichung’wah have downplayed their protests saying they were privileged people who did not understand the contents of the bill.

The Gen Z have iphones and use Ubers to protest. Wanatoka maandamano wanaingia KFC kukula kuku na minofu, maji ni ile ya chupa…si mliwaona? Hawajui shida stima ni kitu gani…wako na umeme 24/7,” the MP said in Baringo County on Friday.

Ichung’wah’s remarks were echoed by Kapseret Member of Parliament (MP) Oscar Sudi who noted that the youthful protesters did not understand what they were fighting against.

“Yesterday a lot of young people took to the streets, I’m not sure if my children were among the crowd but their ages ranged from 18 years to around 20 years,” Sudi said.

“Most people do not understand the Finance Bill, after public participation, the Parliamentary Group sits and amends some contentious issues before it is passed like we did on Thursday.”

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