Sunday 30th, June, 2024

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Kenyans warned against sharing other people’s personal information

Data Commissioner Immaculate Kassait
Data Commissioner Immaculate Kassait. PHOTO/@ODPC-KE/X

The Office of the Data Protection Commissioner (ODPC) has advised the members of the public against sharing other people’s private information.

In a statement on Wednesday, June 19, 2024, ODPC said that the recent trend of consolidating and sharing other people’s personal information on social media platforms infringes on individuals’ rights to privacy.

ODPC says the trend which has been happening without the affected citizens’ consent is unconstitutional.

“ODPC has established that there has been a recent trend of consolidating and sharing of personal information (names, telephone numbers, location and details of family members) of a certain category of citizens through social media platforms,” ODPC statement reads.

 Data Commissioner Immaculate Kassait
Data Commissioner Immaculate Kassait.PHOTO/@ODPC-KE/X


“In view of the foregoing, the Office wishes to advise members of the public to refrain from further sharing of personal information which infringes on individuals’ rights to privacy, this practice has been happening without the affected citizens’ consent contrary to the provisions of Article 31 of the Constitution of Kenya, the Data Protection Act, 2019 and its attendant regulations.”

The office of ODPC further encouraged citizens whose right to privacy has been infringed to file a complaint.

“The Office encourages any member of the public whose privacy has been violated to file a complaint, “ODPC said.

Data protection Act

On June 13, 2024, ODPC announced that more than 5,000 people had filed complaints since the enactment of the Data Protection Act, of 2019. Of all the complaints received, ODPC has resolved 90% of them.

ODPC says more Kenyans are becoming aware of their privacy rights and what to do when their personal data is used improperly.

“Entities are increasingly putting in place appropriate data protection safeguards to ensure proper handling of such data,” ODPC said.

Data Commissioner Immaculate Kassait
Data Commissioner Immaculate Kassait.PHOTO/@ODPC-KE/X

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