The Kenya Film and Classification Board (KFCB) boss Ezekiel Mutua has warned Utawezana hitmakers of dire consequences, accusing them of misusing digital technology to promote immorality by creating, broadcasting, distributing or exhibiting immorality and unpalatable content.
“Our artistes must not glorify immorality in the guise of creativity. The Okonkwo Utawezana nonsense is a shallow, bizarre sexual perversion. There’s absolutely nothing creative there. That lady would be ashamed to sing such crap before her mother,” Dr. Mutua said.
According to Mutua, the artistes should be focused on creating content that inspires hope and helps society to deal with the current challenges during this COVID-19 pandemic
“Right now kids are at home and have access to technology as an essential tool for their studies. It’s wrong to have content that can ruin their morals being circulated with wanton abandon. It’s worse when mainstream media begins to glorify such dirty content by giving the creators airtime on TV or
Radio,” the KFCB boss added in a statement on his social media platforms.
Utawezana by Mejja and Femi One has so far garnered more than 2.5 million views on YouTube, with the song trending in East African countries social media platforms such as Tik Tok where the Utawezana Challenge has gone viral.
But now the KFCB boss says such people should be considered as enemies of the society, and should not benefit from any government funds.
“The Board will blacklist these kinds of perverts and share their names with the relevant ministries and Government agencies to ensure that they are never engaged by Government,” warned Mutua.
Further, Mutua criticized the mainstream media for playing the song on television and radio.