By Dolphas Ochola in Migori County
Migori Governor Okoth Obado has banned cow and goat meat feasts at funerals to avert further spread of COVID-19.
This comes a week after thousands of mourners defied COVID-19 safety regulations to bury Ohangla musician Lady Maureen at her ancestral home in Kopanga Village in Suna West.
Speaking in Migori Town after receiving personal protective equipment donation by Equity Bank on Saturday, July 25, the county boss said it was “extremely wrong of mourners to flout COVID-19 safety measures in the name of burying a loved one”.
“That shouldn’t happen again,” said Obado.
“Hundreds of the mourners travelled from Nairobi, and others from as far as Tanzania. With little regard for coronavirus disease safety measures, they mingled and flouted social distancing guidelines. Most of them were not even wearing face masks,” added the governor.
“In order to prevent scenes witnessed last Saturday, I hereby impose a ban on feasting on goat and cow meat at funerals. I believe most mourners are usually attracted to the funerals because of the meals served at such events. I also direct that all funerals, in this coronavirus crisis period, shall be limited to a maximum of 15 mourners, and that the dead must be buried within 48 hours after passing on,” said Obado.