Shantel Nzembi, an eight-year-old girl who was kidnapped and subsequently murdered in Kitengela, will be buried on June 12 at Mawele village, Mwala sub county in Machakos County.
Shantel’s mother, Christine Ngina says preparations to bury her daughter are underway and as a family, they have decided to bury her at her rural village.
“The reality that Shantel is no more has hit me hard. It is difficult to come to terms that my last-born daughter life was cut short by a criminal,” said Ngina.
Ngina says, so far, the family has received convincing support from investigating officers and they are optimistic the murder will be unravelled and all culprits brought to book.
“Kitengela DCI officers have been cooperative and keeping us posted on the matter. They assisted us all through until the postmortem was conducted. We are so grateful for the unrelenting support they have given us,” she said.
Shantel was kidnapped on May 29, reported missing the same day and her body found dumped along the Orata road in Kitengela on May 31.
Her kidnappers used a private number to demand a Ksh300, 000 ransom from Ngina.
Four suspects who are in custody over the murder will be arraigned on June 15 for plea taking.
The four include the key suspect identified as Nativity Mutindi who is said to have held Shantel at her house, Francis Mbuthia whose identity card was used to register the sim card that asked for a ramson, Livingstone Makacha who was found in possession of the mobile phone used by the kidnappers and Patrick Mureithi who is an airtel agent who registered the sim card.
The suspects are being held at Kitengela police station after the Kajiado law court through resident magistrate Edwin Mulochi granted an application by detectives to hold the suspects for 10 more days.