
CJ Martha Koome attends Judiciary Dialogue Day as lawyers boycott

04:58 PM
CJ Martha Koome attends Judiciary Dialogue Day as lawyers boycott
Chief Justice Martha Koome. PHOTO/@CJMarthaKoome/X

Despite a declaration by lawyers to boycott a judicial dialogue forum due to unresolved grievances, Chief Justice Martha Koome attended the Judicial Dialogue Day event.

The event aims to engage the public, magistrates, and judges in discussions on improving judicial services.

Speaking on January 31, 2025, during the event held at Thika Law Courts, Koome reiterated the judiciary’s commitment to serving Kenyans, acknowledging the concerns raised by the public.

“Today is a day of dialogue. We sit down and listen to how we can serve you better. We have heard that we are your employees. We are here to serve you, and that is what the Constitution tells us—that we derive our authority to serve you from you. We don’t serve ourselves; we serve you, and therefore, we must always listen to you and see how best we can serve you,” Koome stated.

LSK boycott

The event comes amid escalating tensions between Kenya’s judiciary and the legal profession, with the Law Society of Kenya (LSK) Branch Chairs Caucus strongly criticizing the judiciary for failing to address serious concerns about court administration.

In a strongly worded statement dated January 30, 2025, LSK had instructed its members not to attend the forum, citing multiple unresolved issues such as frequent absenteeism by judicial officers, and significant delays in issuing rulings.

LSK president Faith Odhiambo
LSK president Faith Odhiambo. PHOTO / @FaithOdhiambo8 / X

“It is therefore concerning that the Judiciary is proceeding to hold a Judiciary Dialogue Day yet, it has failed to address the grave and urgent concerns that cut across the country and raised by the Society,” the LSK Branch Chairs Caucus said.

Lawyers’ grievances

They highlighted allegations of rampant corruption within the judiciary, where advocates reportedly faced pressure to pay facilitation fees for services.

“Lateness of Judicial Officers in attending court sessions or absenteeism; Judicial Officers attending court under the influence of alcohol or else while intoxicated are challenges that advocates have continued to experience and they, therefore, pose a big threat to access of justice in the country,” LSK said.

LSK also condemned the barring of specific advocates from appearing before the Supreme Court.

“Barring advocates from appearing in certain courts is taking a dangerous trajectory. Recently, we have seen Mr. Ahmednasir Abdullahi SC together including all the advocates at his Law firm (Ahmednassir Abdullahi Advocate LLP) being barred from appearing before the Supreme Court, the Highest Court in the Land. Such unfettered jurisdiction is dangerous to our legal practice,” the statement reads in part.

They criticized the judiciary for proceeding with the dialogue event while ignoring these pressing issues.

“At the crossroads that the Branch Chairs Caucus finds itself, it is prudent for us to inquire as to what could possibly be resolved in one day of dialogue if the society’s concerns have been left unheard despite numerous conversations and communication regarding the same,” the statement read.

The society emphasized that while it condemns any form of intimidation of the judiciary from the Executive or other forces, it cannot overlook the systemic issues that hinder the administration of justice.

“We cannot sit by and watch as our members’ bread and butter is threatened by the systematic inefficiencies and disregard of our members’ rights to livelihood and the Kenyan people’s absolute right to justice,” the statement said.

“In view of the foregoing, the Branch Chairs Caucus has resolved to call upon its members, countrywide, to boycott the Judicial Dialogue Day,” LSK added.


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