Sunday 30th, June, 2024

8:12 PM EAT


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‘Uncontrolled protests will lead to irreversible chaos’- Senator Ali Roba

Mandera Senator Ali Roba has cautioned that the anti-government protests could spiral out of control. PHOTO/@aliiroba/X
Mandera Senator Ali Roba has cautioned that the anti-government protests could spiral out of control. PHOTO/@aliiroba/X

Mandera Senator Ali Roba has expressed his reservations about the anti-government protests that have rocked different parts of the country since the controversial Finance Bill 2024 was introduced in Parliament.

Roba has urged the youth and Gen Zs involved in the protests to exercise caution, stating that as a pilot working in the humanitarian field, he was privy to untold suffering brought by such civil unrest.

“Unchecked protests could lead to a future where everyone suffers, and the initial cause of the unrest is overshadowed by the resultant chaos,” Roba stated.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024, protests turned deadly after a section of demonstrators stormed Parliament and the Senate, resulting in the shooting of some of the protesters.

President William Ruto would later concede to the demands of the protesters to reject the Finance Bill 2024, but the protests have since continued with demonstrators coming up with a set of new demands.

“The recent protests have already achieved a significant milestone by prompting the government to reconsider its stance on the finance bill. Continuing down a path of lawlessness will only harm our nation and its economy, potentially leading to massive unemployment and the exodus of multinational corporations,” Roba urged.

Roba argues that the grievances over the Finance Bill 2024 are minor compared to the potential devastation and the slide to anarchy that could be witnessed in the country.

Roba recounted his career as a pilot involved in relief operations across war-torn regions like South Sudan, Darfur, Chad, the Central African Republic, Congo, Liberia, Afghanistan, and Somalia, adding that the suffering in these nations had deeply shaped his perspective.

“I witnessed firsthand the severe hardships endured by people in these conflict zones. From 2002 onwards, especially during Operation Lifeline Sudan (OLS), I saw unimaginable suffering,” he said.

Incitement to protest

Roba expressed concerns that a section of political leaders were inciting the youth to engage in demonstrations with some suggesting that they occupy certain national institutions.

“The descent into anarchy often began with youth-led demonstrations that escalated uncontrollably, sometimes with political figures fueling the unrest for their own gain,” Roba warned, “attempting to disrupt this system through violence and anarchy is not only reckless but also dangerous.”

KDF soldiers stand on guard in Nairobi. PHOTO/X (@the_sambu)

Demonstrations rocked parts of the country on Thursday, June 27, 2024, moments after Ruto declined to sign into law the controversial bill, citing widespread public disapproval of its contents.

He urged the protesting youth to engage the government in peaceful means to find solutions to the current problems.

Ruto further noted that the three arms of the government would be cutting down on their spending in a new proposal of austerity measures across state departments.



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