Saturday 29th, June, 2024

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KHRC demands unconditional release of arrested protesters

KHRC has demanded the unconditional release of abducted persons. PHOTO/Reuben Mwambingu
KHRC has demanded the unconditional release of abducted persons. PHOTO/Reuben Mwambingu

The Kenya Human Rights Commission (KHRC) has demanded the unconditional release of all protesters arrested during demonstrations against the controversial Finance Bill 2024 which has since been revoked.

In a statement on Wednesday, June 26, 2024, the human rights body said over 5o protesters were arrested during the Tuesday, June 25, 2024 protests against the Finance Bill.

“There were over 50 arrests, 22 abductions and over 300 injuries. Reports reaching us also indicate that police opened fire and killed several people in Githurai, Nairobi, last night,” KHRC stated.

KHRC blamed the police for failing to protect property during the demonstrations, saying it was not the responsibility of protesters to guard property.

KHRC blames police

“The protection of property and lives is vested in the state and, not citizens. Therefore, the destruction of property that happened was a security failure on the part of the state and this regime should take the blame,” the rights body added.

KHRC challenged remarks by President William Ruto who referred to Tuesday’s demos as treasonous, saying that the right to protest could not amount to treason.

The protests turned ugly after a group of protesters surged into Parliament moments after breaching the area’s security.

“Parliament is Kenyans’ property. Anyone can access and occupy it because Kenyans hold power. Police, at no point, are allowed to blast people’s heads, killing them inhumanely because they have occupied their rightful house,” KHRC said.

Several areas in Parliament were destroyed by the protesters who shattered windows, destroyed furniture and took off with the Parliamentary maze.

Gachagua calls out NIS

The protests led to the loss of lives and destruction of property which Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has since said could have been avoided.

In an address in Mombasa, Gachagua blamed the National Intelligence Service (NIS), for the events of the nationwide protests, stating the spy agency was being led by incompetent individuals.

Deputy president Rigathi Gachagua during a funeral service in Muranga County in June 22, 2024. PHOTO/@rigathi/X
Deputy president Rigathi Gachagua during a funeral service in Muranga County in June 22, 2024. PHOTO/@rigathi/X

He castigated the agency for the abductions of key individuals involved in the demonstrations, adding that the Attorney General’s son had been abducted and detained by the NIS.

“It is unbelievable that the son of the honourable Attorney General of Kenya Justin Bedan Muturi was abducted at night in a commando style by officers of the National Intelligence Service and held incommunicado for 18 hours. Yet that is the honourable Attorney General of the Republic of Kenya, what will happen to other Kenyans,” Gachagua remarked.

Gachagua called on the protesters to call off the Thursday, June 27, 2024 demos after President William withdrew the controversial Finance Bill 2024 following widespread public dissatisfaction with the tax proposals contained in it.

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