Sunday 30th, June, 2024

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Former Citizen TV show co-host Mutegi Njau dies

Veteran TV co-host and journalist Mutegi Njau. PHOTO/@MutegiNjau4/X
Veteran TV co-host and journalist Mutegi Njau. PHOTO/@MutegiNjau4/X

Senior journalist and former Citizen TV co-host Mutegi Njau has passed on.

In a statement, TV panellist David Makali mourned the veteran journalist who worked with the Nation Media Group for 24 years before retiring and making a comeback to the surprise of many.

“It is with profound sadness that we inform you of the passing of our dad. He left us peacefully on the evening of June 27, 2024, at 7  pm,” a family member said.

Njau’s family hailed the veteran journalist as a great father and a man with dedication to his career.

“Dad was a remarkable man whose generosity, sense of humour, and dedication to his career left a lasting impact on everyone he met. He was not only the cornerstone of our family but also a cherished figure in our community,” they added.

The family noted that they were in the process of arranging the funeral service and would provide more details in the next two to three days.

“During this difficult time, please keep our family in your thoughts and prayers. We are deeply grateful for your continued support and for the love and friendship you extended to Dad throughout his life,” the statement read.

Veteran journalist and TV co-host Mutegi Njau (left) together with TV panellist David Makali. PHOTO/@davidmakali1/X
Veteran journalist and TV co-host Mutegi Njau (left) together with TV panellist David Makali. PHOTO/@davidmakali1/X

TV co-host

After retirement, Njau went on to secure a job in 2006 where he co-hosted a popular TV breakfast show in the company of Uduak Amimo and David Makali.

“Devastated by the passing on of Snr colleague and co-host and panellist Mutegi Njau. May your toil on this earth be rewarded and your memory last forever among those you mentored and gifted, or who savoured your goodness,” Makali said.

Njau also doubled up as the in-house training editor, handling journalist ethics and libel instances in the company.

“A great media personality, Mutegi Njau, will be remembered for his dedication to professionalism. I will remember him as my senior and friend from our time working together at NMG in the late 90s when he was in command of the Nation newsdesk. May his soul rest in eternal peace,” Publishing expert Edward Mwasi mourned.

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