Sunday 30th, June, 2024

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Fire razes school for physically disabled kids in Embu

Part of the dormitory which was razed down by fire IN Embu. PHOTO/Brian Malila
Part of the dormitory which was razed down by fire IN Embu. PHOTO/Brian Malila

Twelve children were safely evacuated from a raging fire at the Jomo Kenyatta Home for the Physically Disabled in Embu.

The inferno, which reduced property worth millions of shillings to ashes consumed a dormitory and a kitchen at the institution.

Established in 1965 in Kirimari Ward, Manyatta Constituency, the school is a sanctuary for children with various disabilities.

The flames have left the community in shock as calls for a proper fire department in Embu grow louder.

Preliminary reports suggest that the fire broke out in the wee hours of Friday, June 28, 2024, swiftly engulfing key sections of the school. Luckily all twelve children who were in school were evacuated to safety.

Dysfunctional fire department

Embu West Subcounty Police Commander Nicholas Pera confirmed the incident terming it unfortunate.

” The fire had spread in many parts of this institution when we arrived after receiving the information. Unfortunately in our county, we have no functional firefighting equipment, so we had to call the county government of Tharaka Nithi to put out the fire,” Pera said.

A fire truck belonging to the Tharaka-Nithi County was called to put out the fire. PHOTO/Brian Malila


Local residents and police officers are urging the county administration to expedite the establishment of a fully functional fire department.

This plea echoes the sentiment of many, especially after two county officials were dismissed earlier this year by Governor Cecily Mbarire for perceived laxity in addressing such critical issues.

Despite these firings, the promised improvements have yet to materialize, leaving the community vulnerable.



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