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‘Yote yawezekana bila Ruto’ – Youths chant outside Nyahururu church where President is attending service

President William Ruto
President William Ruto. PHOTO/@WilliamsRuto/X.

Youths on Sunday, June 23, 2024, chanted anti-Ruto songs in Nyahururu where President William Ruto was attending a church service.

Despite tight security around ACK Diocese of Nyahururu, Laikipia County, the youth camped outside the church premises chanting anti-Ruto slogans, calling for the rejection of the Finance Bill 2024.

This comes hours after Ruto is reported to have held a high-level security meeting ahead of planned protests this week against the Finance Bill 2024.

According to videos seen by K24 Digital, security personnel manning the event restrained themselves from using excessive force including lobbying teargas canisters or using water canons as has been witnessed before.

Speaking during the event, Ruto promised protestors, most of whom are young people, to have a conversation with them on what the future of the Finance Bill 2024 would be.

“Our young people have stepped forward to engage in the affairs of their country. They have done their democratic duty, to stand and be recognized. I’m proud of them. We’ll have a conversation with you to identify your issues and work together as a nation,” Ruto stated.

On Sunday, Kenyans from different parts of the country interrupted church services in different places demanding that the church declares its stand on the Finance Bill 2024.

At Holy Family Basilica, church members were granted a few seconds to chant ‘Reject Finance Bill’, led by a youth who was carrying the Kenyan flag.

The same was witnessed at other churches including the Nairobi Chapel.

On Saturday, June 22, 2024, a section of Kenyans thronged nightclubs in honour of the anti-Finance Bill 2024 action plan shared on Thursday

The youthful Kenyans stopped partying midway to chant anti-Finance Bill slogans including ‘reject’, ‘Ruto must go’ and even the country’s national anthem in solidarity against the contentious bill which sailed through the Second Reading.

In a program dubbed ‘7 days of Rage’ that began on Friday, June 21, 2024, young Kenyans announced plans meant to mount pressure on MPs to reject Finance Bill 2024.

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