Saturday 29th, June, 2024

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Showdown looms as demonstrations begin in full swing in Nairobi CBD

Protesters seen at Archives area of Nairobi CBD on Tuesday June 25, 2024. PHOTOS/Screengrab by K24 Digital

The streets of Nairobi were fraught with tension early Tuesday morning June 25, 2204, as hundreds of protesters clashed with anti-riot police in a heated demonstration against the Finance Bill 2024.

As early as 7:30 am, crowds had gathered in the Archives area of Nairobi’s Central Business District, wielding anti-Finance Bill placards and vociferously calling for the resignation of President William Ruto.

Chanting “Ruto must go! Ruto must go!” the protesters confronted a heavy police presence, who responded with batons in an attempt to disperse the crowd.

The demonstrators, however, remained undeterred, engaging in what appeared to be a cat-and-mouse game with the authorities as tensions escalated towards a potential showdown.

This protest is the latest in a series of actions under the banner ‘7 days of rage’, a campaign launched in response to the Finance Bill’s contentious progression through its second reading in Parliament.

The demonstrators argue that the bill, which includes significant tax hikes, is being imposed against the will of the populace.

The protests also seek to honour slain colleagues and to press the government to address police brutality during previous demonstrations.

A widely shared poster on social media called for a nationwide strike, urging parents to keep their children at home in solidarity and warning of a total shutdown of the country.

“Gen Zs are granting all hard-working Kenyans a day off. Parents keep your children at home in solidarity,” the poster read, highlighting the youthful energy driving the protests.

Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki issued stern warnings on Monday against any acts of vandalism or breaches of peace during the demonstrations.

In a press conference, Kindiki expressed his concern over the damage to public infrastructure in previous protests and emphasized a zero-tolerance policy towards lawlessness.

“There have been grave breaches to peace and damaging of road infrastructure built from the sweat of hardworking taxpayers by a section of demonstrators. I dare you to try that,” Kindiki warned, adding that law enforcement officers would remain firm and unapologetic in dealing with any disruptions.

“While police officers are neutral and apolitical, no form of lawlessness is going to be entertained whatsoever,” he asserted, laying out guidelines for the conduct of the anti-Finance Bill demonstrations.

Kindiki also set guidelines for anti-Finance Bill 2024 demos.





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