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DCJ Mwilu gets emotional while eulogising slain Makadara magistrate

DCJ Philomena Mwilu at the Judiciary Mourning Day on Tuesday June 18, 2024. PHOTO/@Kenyajudiciary/X
DCJ Philomena Mwilu at the Judiciary Mourning Day on Tuesday June 18, 2024. PHOTO/@Kenyajudiciary/X

Deputy Chief Justice (DCJ) Philomena Mwilu was visibly moved as she delivered a heartfelt eulogy for the late Makadara principal magistrate Monica Kivuti. 

Speaking during the Judiciary National Day of Mourning for Monica Kivuti, held on June 18, 2024, Mwilu drew a poignant parallel and linked Kivuti’s death to the profound incident of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attack in the US.

Additionally, the late Monica Kivuti’s tragic death struck a chord with Mwilu, leading her to urge people to move beyond words and into action. 

Mwilu also wondered if the lives of Judiciary staff had to be lost before decisive action was taken to protect them.

“Monica’s death must be the judiciary of Kenya’s September 11. How many of us are to die before somebody cares enough for us,” DCJ Mwilu said.

In an emotional plea, DCJ underscored the urgent need for correct procedures to be implemented especially when members of the public perceive that judges or magistrates are in the wrong.

“If you think we are wrong, don’t kill us. Just take us to JSC and provide evidence and ensure we are removed from office. Those with the responsibility of providing security must do something. Let’s stop talking, let’s take action,” Mwilu added.

CJ Koome condoles with Kivuti’s family

DCJ Mwilu’s remarks come days after Chief Justice Martha Koome visited Monica Kivuti’s home to express her condolences.

The CJ condoled with the family who were coming to terms with Kivuti’s untimely death.

Chief Justice Martha Koome,DCJ Mwilu at the Judiciary Mourning Day on Tuesday June 18, 2024. PHOTO/@Kenyajudiciary/X
Chief Justice Martha Koome, DCJ Mwilu at the Judiciary Mourning Day on Tuesday, June 18, 2024. PHOTO/@Kenyajudiciary/X

While confirming the news on Saturday, June 15, 2024, Koome said that Kivuti succumbed to the injuries she had sustained from the shooting incident. 

Kivuti was shot and injured in the hip area and on the chest on Thursday afternoon at the Makadara Law Courts after she made a ruling in a case involving a policeman’s wife. 

She later died at the Nairobi Hospital on Friday where she was transferred for specialised care after the shooting incident.

Further, CJ Koome affirmed to Kivuti’s family and friends that the Judiciary was standing them.

“We condole with the family, friends and the entire Judiciary fraternity during this very difficult period of mourning. The Judiciary family stands in solidarity during this deeply traumatic time and calls for sensitivity and compassion as we share in grief,” she said.

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