Saturday 29th, June, 2024

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‘May Rex’s death not break your determination’ – MP Wamuchomba encourages Gen Z over Finance Bill 2024 protests

Githunguri Member of Parliament Gathoni Wa Muchomba. PHOTO/@hon-wamuchomba/X
Githunguri Member of Parliament Gathoni Wa Muchomba. PHOTO/@hon-wamuchomba/X

Githunguri Member of Parliament (MP) Gathoni Wamuchomba has called on Gen Zs to intensify their demonstrations against the 2024 Finance Bill.

Gen Zs have been the face of anti-government demonstrations in major towns in the country despite facing sustained opposition from the police force.

During the clashes, Rex Kanyike lost his life and has been the face of police brutality. Wamuchomba, a vocal anti-Kenya Kwanza legislator, has told the youth to sustain their pressure on William Ruto’s government despite the challenges they are facing.

“Gen Z is the future of Kenya. I am so proud to see peaceful demonstrations where tribalism does not exist, just the desire for change and Umoja (unity).

“My deepest condolences are with the family and loved ones of the fallen hero of this moment, Rex Kanyike Masai, and others who have put their lives at risk,” Wamucomba said in a statement on X posted on Saturday, June 22, 2024.

The MP from Kiambu County said Gen Z should use Kanyike’s death as motivation to put things right in the country.

“May His death not break your determination but rather give you the resolve to put things right. Life is a risk; taking a risk is courage; if you win, you’ll be happy; if you lose, you will be wise.

“Your generation has thrown a challenge at us parents, and constitutionally, you have your space to make things right in a peaceful manner,” she added.

LSK’s call

Following Kanyike’s death and several injuries reported during the demonstrations, even the Law Society joined in condemning it and called for an investigation into the matter.

“We have taken note of all reports that we have received on what occurred leading to the murder of Rex Kanyike Masai and all other overzealous force against the protesters.

“We are working to ascertain the veracity of the information we have gathered, and we demand that the DCI and IPOA cooperate in our efforts to unmask the perpetrators of this heinous act within three weeks.

“We intend to ensure that these criminal elements within our police face the full force of the law. As we fulfill our statutory mandate, we urge members of the public to continue to express themselves and exercise their rights within the confines of the law. We must deny aggressors any opportunity to justify their illegal actions,” LSK said in a statement.

Despite facing enforced opposition from the police, the youth have vowed to come out and demonstrate on Tuesday, when the Finance Bill will be tabled for the Third Reading.

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