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Itumbi confirms release of Billy Crazy Nairobian

Billy Crazy Nairobian at a past event. PHOTO/@C_NyaKundiH/X

Digital strategist Dennis Itumbi has confirmed the release of content creator Billy Simani alias Crazy Nairobian.

In a statement shared via his official X account, Itumbi said Billy was released after the complainant withdrew the complaint lodged against him.

Asante, for the withdrawal of the complaint. Crazy Nairobian was released on Free Bond. Enjoy Freedom Billy,” Itumbi wrote.

Billy had been reported missing by people close to him earlier today.

According to the aforementioned sources, Billy had been arrested and taken to an undisclosed location over his utterances against the Finance Bill 2024.

Netizens took to different social media networks to decry his situation and asked the police to release him.

Itumbi, however, came out to clarify that the X influencer (formerly known as Twitter) had been arrested for sending threatening messages.

Curious netizens downplayed Itumbi’s sentiments and demanded he produce an OB number for his arrest over the charge.

I have checked with Police why Crazy Nairobian, Billy, is under arrest. I understand he sent threatening message/s. I get hundreds of those myself, & they do not bother me. But well, it is a crime. I am unable to intervene, though I strongly disagree. I will reach out to the complainant to see if he/she can withdraw,” Itumbi wrote.

That said, when they used to arrest me, I used the court platform to argue TRUTH and FACTS. I am of the view that INSULTS are part of free speech. Insulting and criticing public servants should not be treated as a crime. I will leave the jury to decide if sending threatening messages should be treated as a crime. I would personally not bother report to police, but that I leave to the courts to determine.”

He subsequently asked public servants to toughen up and take criticism without involving arrests.

“I also firmly hold that Public Servants should grow a THICK SKIN. Some of these arrests based on your complaints are unnecessary. They may not be ILLEGAL, but they are sincerely STUPID!” Itumbi added.

A coalition of 25 human rights organizations including content creators, lawyers, medical professionals, and defenders of civil liberties had also issued a statement criticising the arbitrary arrests of content creators.

The groups also demanded the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) to provide the whereabouts of Billy and issued demands.

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