Saturday 29th, June, 2024

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Goons attack peaceful protesters who had stormed Chuka-Igambang’ombe MP’s office

Youth from across the county who had turned up for the protests address the media at Chuka town. PHOTO/Blaise Gitonga
Youth from across the county who had turned up for the protests address the media at Chuka town. PHOTO/Blaise Gitonga

Finance Bill 2024 protests took an unexpected turn in Tharaka Nithi County after goons attacked peaceful protestors in Chuka Town.

The Monday, June 24, 2024 protests were part of a 7-days of rage action plan organized countrywide, with protestors scheduled to make a courtesy call on Members of Parliament who voted in favour of the bill, at the constituency offices.

Hired goons

Protestors in Chuka were, however, met by goons at the Chuka/Igambang’ombe Constituency offices, where they were clobbered and attacked by the hired group.

The protestors, mainly youth from across the country were left with no option but to run for their lives, in an incident that has left scores with critical injuries.

Youth from across the county who had turned up for the protests address the media at Chuka town. PHOTO/Blaise Gitonga
Youth from across the county who had turned up for the protests address the media at Chuka town. PHOTO/Blaise Gitonga

While addressing the media, the protestors strongly condemned the action and accused area MP Patrick Munene of orchestrating the attack.

“It is quite unfortunate that despite voting ‘YES’, the area MP Patrick Munene can hire goons to attack peaceful and unarmed protestors. We are going to take legal action”, Ken John, a youth leader in the county said.

Protesters on being financed

The protestors also came out strongly to deny claims that the protests were being financed by other political leaders in the county, saying that they will not be divided and that they will come out in huge numbers to support other Kenyans across the country to reject the finance bill.

“We will not be intimidated. We are going to join other Kenyans tomorrow in the nationwide protests against the finance bill. We want to make it clear that we will conduct peaceful protests since we are protesting for our future,” Ken John said.

Sources allied to the MP accused the protestors of conducting protests only in Chuka/Igambang’ombe Constituency, in a county that hosts two other constituencies saying the protests were politically instigated against the MP.

Police greenlight

On June 21, 2024, the demonstrators were granted the greenlight by Chuka Police Station OCPD to hold peaceful demonstrations against the finance bill in an exercise which anticipated a gathering of approximately 300 young people from Tharaka Nithi County.

“We had planned a very peaceful protest but the goons attacked us and destroyed our materials which included placards. We will not be intimidated, tomorrow we are joining the countrywide protests and we want to assure everyone that the demonstrations will be peaceful,” Sharon Mwende, one of the protestors said.

President William Ruto over the weekend said the government was ready to identify issues and work together with the Gen-Z, congratulating them for stepping forward tribeless and peacefully to show their concerns over national matters and promising to work together to build a greater nation.

“You have done a democratic duty to stand and be recognized. The youths are our children. I want to tell them thank you for coming out and engaging on the affairs of the country we will have a conversation with you. We will have a conversation we build a proper nation,” Ruto told a congregation at the Anglican Church of Kenya (ACK) Pro-Cathedral in Nyahururu town.

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