Friday 28th, June, 2024

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Dr Austin Omondi released

Dr Austin Omondi
Dr Austin Omondi. PHOTO/@Dr_AustinOmondi/X

Dr Austin Omondi, who had been reported abducted on Sunday, June 23, 2024, has been released.

Omondi was released moments after doctors threatened to shut down all medical facilities in the country if he is not released by midnight.

His release was confirmed by Kenya Medical Practitioners Pharmacists Dentists Union (KMPDU) Secretary General Davji Atellah.

“Our colleague @Dr_AustinOmondi has been released. We condemn in the strongest terms possible the impunity of this government the threats, intimidations and the act of fear-mongering can not work,” Atellah said.

In a statement on Sunday, June 23, 2024, KMPDU condemned the abduction, demanding an immediate and unconditional release of Dr Omondi.

Omondi is reported to have been arrested on Sunday, June 23, 2024,  while overseeing a blood drive at Sikh Union Club Chandaria on Forest Road.

“We demand the immediate and unconditional release of Dr Austin Omondi. Should he not be safely returned by midnight, we will initiate the closure of all public and private medical services to locate our colleague. We urge the individuals driving police car KCU 819H to return Dr Omondi immediately to continue his life-saving humanitarian work. Medical personnel remain impartial, dedicated to saving lives on all sides of any conflict,” KMPDU Secretary General Davji Atella stated.

“Despite facing challenges, including unemployment affecting 4,000 doctors and 1,500 interns waiting for their licenses, we stand in solidarity with the protests aimed at making the Kenyan government prioritize its citizens over international financial institutions.”

Atellah says the union supports the ongoing Finance Bill 2024 protests, which are hitting the second week this Tuesday.

“KMPDU, representing all Kenyan medical doctors with a membership of 10,000 across both public and private sectors, strongly condemns the abduction of Dr. Austin Omondi (Alias Japrado), allegedly by government agents driving car registration KCU 819H. Dr Omondi was leading a blood donation drive to aid injured protestors at the Sikh Union along Forest Road at the time of his abduction,” KMPDU Secretary General Davji Atellah stated.

“We unequivocally reject any breach of the Geneva Conventions, which protect medics and aid workers even in code zones. The recent protests do not justify such reprehensible actions. The “Medics for Kenya” initiative, led by young doctors under our Union’s guidance, provides essential first aid to protestors injured by violent police actions.”

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