Saturday 29th, June, 2024

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IG Koome will be held accountable if we can’t trace Rex Masai’s killer – Babu Owino

Slain protester Rex Kanyike Masai.
Slain protester Rex Kanyike Masai. PHOTO/X (@HEBabuOwino)

Embakasi East Member of Parliament (MP) Babu Owino has issued a strong condemnation of police practices following the death of protester Rex Masai, highlighting a troubling trend of officers concealing their identities during official duties.

In a pointed statement on Friday, June 21, 2024, Babu expressed deep concern over what he termed as an increasing number of police officers wearing masks and taking other measures to hide their identities during protests.

“I have noted with concern that there are increasing cases of police officers wearing masks and taking other measures to conceal their identity while undertaking official duty.

“There can only be one reason why an officer would not want to be known while on the job – that they are about to commit a crime for which they don’t want to be held accountable,” Babu Owino lamented.

This surge in anonymous policing, Owino noted, has been particularly pronounced since the second day of ongoing protests, with an apparent rise in the deployment of plainclothes officers mingling with demonstrators.

“These cases have arisen from the second day of protests as more plainclothes officers seem to have been deployed among protesters,” the Embakasi East MP remarked.

Babu Owino did not mince words regarding accountability, stating that the Inspector General of the National Police Service Japhet Koome will be held responsible for the death of 24-year-old protester Rex Kanyike Masai if the person who shot him cannot be identified.

“If we cannot hold individual officers accountable, then we will come for Inspector General of Police Japheth Koome and hold him individually responsible for the death of Rex, the brutalization of protesters, and damage to property,” Babu said.

He declared this moment a turning point, asserting, “Things will never be the same again. We will not tolerate even a single life lost recklessly.”

The MP also issued a stark warning to police officers, urging them not to participate in unlawful acts.

“Do not be used to break the law. If they tell you to kill your fellow Kenyans, tell them to come do it themselves. Your child, sister, or brother could easily be in that crowd. Rest in peace, Rex.”

The death of 24-year-old Rex Masai, who was fatally wounded by gunfire during the protests, has intensified scrutiny of police conduct and prompted widespread calls for accountability.

Human rights activists, including Boniface Mwangi, and several other prominent Kenyans are now calling for justice following the brutal death of Rex Masai.

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