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Journalists barred from covering CEC approval in Kitui


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Journalists based in Kitui county have been barred from covering County Executive Committee (CEC) approval in the County Assembly of Kitui.

The journalists who were not allowed to access the assembly compound were informed that it was an order from the assembly speaker Kelvin Kinengo.

“Gatekeepers told us they were given orders from the speaker not to allow any media personalities to access the assembly compound today,” one of the journalists said.

Speaker Kinengo’s action caught the journalists as a surprise.

Speaker Kinengo also ordered public members out of the assembly chambers which led to chaos forcing him to adjourn the sittings.

According to inside sources, this was fueled by disagreement on the approval of the education CEC Joyce Kasyoka Masila.

Earlier it is said that the Speaker refused to approve a motion by Zombe MCA Hon Malinga who had proposed to amend the committee report to overturn the rejection of Joyce Kasyoka Masila a motion which 29 members have supported.

However, the County Assembly is a public institution and access by the public is guaranteed by Standing Order number 223 of the County Assembly.

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