Former High Court Judge Robert Mugo Mutitu was on Tuesday, June 21, 2022, arraigned in court over Ksh6.8 theft allegations.
Mutito, accused of stealing the money from Jane Wangui, appeared before Milimani Chief Magistrate Wendy Kagendo.
Judge fails to take a plea
However, the former judge did not take a plea. He pleaded with the court for more time to reach out to his accuser.
The magistrate allowed the request and gave him up to July 6, 2022, before giving further directions. She released the suspect on Ksh500,000.
Defence lawyer Karathe Wandugi said the matter should have been resolved through the Law Society of Kenya Disciplinary Committee before Mutito’s arraignment.
A law partner to the judge, John Njoroge Thiongo, was also summoned to appear in court to be charged alongside Mutito.
The two are accused of being agents of Wangui, and they stole the money the complainant entrusted them to purchase a parcel of land in Nairobi.
They are alleged to have committed the offence on various dates between April 22 and May 19, 2021.