Drama, chaos as armed police officers storm station to free arrested colleague

Kilgoris: School function turns chaotic as students attack teacher, destroy property

Eight-armed prison officers on Thursday, August 26, stormed Madogo Police Station in Tana River County and allegedly threatened to combat the police officers on duty at the station for holding their colleague in the cells. Led by their inspector, the showed their intent of trying to free their colleague and the eight armed officers purportedly […]

Police boss orders probe after OCS filmed dragging woman on a motorcycle

Olenguruone OCS

Kigotho Mwangi Rift Valley Regional Police Commander Marcus Ochola has commenced investigations on the conduct of Olenguruone OCS after a video emerged online showing him dragging along a woman tied to his motorcycle. Speaking to K24 Digital via phone on Wednesday, Ochola condemned the incident as inhuman and unacceptable. The video captured a woman tied […]