Angry Embu residents block road demanding compensation for Gitaru dam land

Transport was paralysed along the Kivaa-Kiambere Road after angry residents blocked the road accusing the government and the Kenya Electricity Generating Company (KenGen) of failing to compensate their land that was taken to construct the Gitaru dam. Hundreds thronged the road and barricaded it using stones and tree branches, paralysing movement for motorists. Motorists ferrying goods […]

Hundreds turn up for food donations in Embu

Hundreds of elderly and vulnerable people are facing hunger in Kiriari in Manyatta Constituency in Embu County on Saturday turned up food donations from a well-wisher. The food donations by Bishop Joseph Wega attracted hundreds of elders across the constituency who paraded at his Transcontinental Christian Church Ministries (TCCM) in Kiriari market to get a […]

High school teacher takes own life in Embu, blames ex-girlfriend for his death

A somber mood has engulfed a village in Mbeere North sub-county after a 32-year-old high school teacher took his own life in a suspected case of love gone sour. Dennis Mwaniki Njeru alias Mukono is believed to have committed suicide in his house in Siakago on the night of Monday, February 5, 2024, after being […]

Well-wisher comes to the rescue of 70-year-old man living in Embu forest

A 70-year-old man from Mbuguri village in Mbeere North Subcounty in Embu county, who has been living in a dilapidated condition in a privately owned forest, has finally received help from a well-wisher. Findesio Ngari has been living in abject poverty for years after he was allegedly neglected by members of his family. He has […]

Drama as Embu traders forcefully reopen recently renovated bus park

There was drama in Embu town when traders staged demonstrations over the delayed re-opening of the recently renovated Embu Bus Park. The traders blocked the Embu-Kiritiri highway paralysing transport, before forcing other traders who had opened their businesses to close them down and join them in the push to have the bus park reopened. Police […]

Embu: Learning paralysed after parent bites headteacher, 2 pupils

Drama ensued at the Kirigi primary school when a parent went berserk and bit the headteacher and two pupils on their fingers in a dramatic scene that paralysed learning for some hours. While confirming the incident, Lincoln Kithaka, chief of Gandori South location, said the suspect Charity Wanja had been summoned by the teacher in the school after her […]

2 families cause drama at Embu mortuary as they fight over child’s body

There was drama at Embu Level Five Hospital after two families differed over who should bury a three-year-old boy whose body was retrieved from Rupingazi River after he was reported missing for some days. This was after the two families failed to agree on whether to bury the child in accordance with Muslim law according […]