
Eric Omondi announces return of his controversial ‘Wife Material’ show, says he’ll not feature Africans

04:21 PM
Eric Omondi announces return of his controversial ‘Wife Material’ show, says he’ll not feature Africans
The violent scene that led to KFCB directing its officers to have comedian Eric Omondi and his Wife Material actresses arrested over alleged production of “dirty content”. PHOTO | SCREENGRAB

Comedian Eric Omondi has announced the return of his infamous show ‘Wife Material’ season 4 with new rules and a controversial lineup.

The entertainer noted that the buzzy show will exclude African contestants and will only feature eight participants: two whites, two Chinese women, two Indians and two Arabic women.

Omondi claims he is not interested in a Kenyan or a black woman for a wife.

This season 4 sitaki waafrica muniite racist nimejaribu nimeshindwa.
Nitakua na wazungu wawili, wa-chinese wawili, wahindi wawili an waarabu wawili.
(In season 4, I will not feature Africans. I’ve tried and it has been hard. I don’t mind being labelled racist),” he said.

“Every Kenyan, East African and every African is out of the picture. A Chinese wife would be a good catch,” he added.

Last season, which ended in October last year saw Omondi pick a suitor from South Sudan after the season finale which was a conglomerate of contestants from five African countries; Kenya, Ethiopia, Rwanda, South Sudan and Nigeria.

Out of eight contestants, Eric settled on South Sudanese Ayen Monice and announced the news on his social media pages.

“Monica Ayen -Omondi. Congratulations on winning my heart, congratulations on winning the Final Season of Wife Material, I promise to love you with all that I have. I will respect you, I will honour you with all dignity. I promise to protect you. Likewise, I can’t wait to start a family with you,” Omondi posted.

Season 3 (the African edition) was the first successful show after encountering major difficulties with some cast and authorities in his first two seasons which ended on an epic failure.


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