Wednesday 26th, June, 2024

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‘I cannot do it on my own’ – Natalie Githinji says ahead of Njambi Koikai’s burial

Natalie Githinji. PHOTO/@nataliegithinji/Instagram

The sudden death of the media personality and reggae entertainer Mary Njambi Koikai widely known as Jahmby has hit hard on radio queen Natalie Githinji.

Sharing a video of  Jahmby’s body in a casket being ferried from the morgue ahead of her burial, Natalie, through her official Instagram page, disclosed that she needs strength and peace from God because she cannot do it on her own.

“You God who gives strength and peace. allocate me because I cannot do it on my own,” she said.

Natalie Githinji’s message. PHOTO/Nataliegithinji/Instagram

Natalie who has been vocal about her battle with endometriosis has been sharing emotional posts on her Instagram page while mourning Jahmby whom she describes as her best friend and mentor.

“Sis, my only hope, my bestie, we talked so many nights for hours about endometriosis, about our health, our darkest secrets of living with endometriosis, about how we were in and out of the hospital to give each other hope,” Natalie disclosed.

“We talked about how our mums are the real MVP’s for helping us during this hard times, we promised to fight this MONSTER to the end, and we talked about helping other women with endometriosis. Babe, we talked about a lot of things.”

The queen of the airwaves on June 4, 2024, revealed that she is not mentally okay after the sudden death of Jahmby adding that Jahmby was her only hope in the fight of endometriosis.

A past image of NRG radio presenter Natalie Githinji with the late Jahmby Koikai
Natalie Githinji and Jahmby Koikai.PHOTO/@Nataliegithinji/Instagram

“If you think I’m mentally okay well, God help me get through this pain. Now I’ll have to fight alone. My heart is broken, bleeding, I texted you juzi tu ukiwa hosi so we could talk like we always do…Eii Jahmby,” she wrote.

“You fought for better health for all women fighting endometriosis. Babe hizi ni gani, who will tell me that this is a lie, who will help my mum chill after hearing her bestie is gone. Jahmby amka tu we fight this together we made a promise love. You fought so hard but this Monster took you.”

Celebrating their 8 years of friendship, Natalie revealed that they met back in 2017 while she was still on campus after she and her friend went to support Jahmby.

We met in 2017, I was still on campus, in the hostels, and I sneaked with my friend to go support Jahmby. When we met, gosh, you’d think tumejuana for 10 years, she was so warm, assured me that she understood my pain and that is when our friendship started. 2024 marks 8 years of friendship,” she said.

Njambi’s death

Jahmby Koikai took her last breath on June 4, 2024, at the age of 38 while receiving treatment at a Nairobi hospital after a long battle with endometriosis.

Jahmby’s body has been moved from the Lee funeral home ahead of her burial on June 14, 2024, at Langata Cemetery, Nairobi County.

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