Kenya on Thursday, May 14, announced it had recorded 21 new coronavirus infections, bringing the country’s total number of COVID-19 cases to 758.
Health CAS Dr. Mercy Mwangangi said the 21 new cases were discovered in 1, 486 samples tested between Wednesday and Thursday.
During the press conference held at Afya House, Dr. Mwangangi said all the 21 new COVID-19 patients are Kenyan nationals.
The age bracket of the new cases, ranges from 7 years old to 79 years old.
Fourteen (14) of the 21 are male, whereas seven are female, said Dr. Mwangangi.
The new cases are drawn from four counties: Mombasa (12), Nairobi (4), Kajiado (4) and Uasin Gishu (1).
In terms of respective estates that the patients hailed from, in Mombasa, the 12 were from Likoni (5), Mvita (4), Jomvu (2) and Nyali (1).
In Nairobi, Kibra and Eastleigh produced the four cases with each area recording two cases.
In Kajiado, three of the four patients came from Namanga, whereas one came from Oloitoktok.
In Uasin Gishu, the sole patient hailed from Turbo.
Kenya also registered three new COVID-19 recoveries, bringing the total number of patients who have recovered from the virus to 284.
However, two patients in Nairobi died of COVID-19, pushing Kenya’s total number of fatalities to 42.
The country has so far tested 36, 918 samples for coronavirus.