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Gov’t announces 7-10 percent pay rise for civil servants


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The Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) has announced a salary increment for civil servants in a new review.

Addressing a press conference in Nairobi on Wednesday, August 9, SRC chair Lyn Mengich said civil servants will get a salary increase of between 7-10 per cent over a two-year period, inclusive of the existing notch increase, which averages 3 per cent annually.

Mengich confirmed that the National Treasury had allocated Ksh27.1 billion for the Financial Year 2023/24.

The pay rise will be backdated to July 1.

“Where the salary structures are frozen, the notch increase will continue as budgeted up to the maximum salary point,” the SRC boss said.

She added: “The salary structures for unionisable employees to be undertaken through the Collective Bargaining Negotiations (CBN) process.”

Those set to benefit from the allocation are teachers, doctors, nurses, police, military, and officers working under the Executive.

Teachers got the lion’s share of the allocation of Ksh9.5 billion which represents 44.2 percent of the total budget, followed by officers in the uniformed and disciplined services who got Ksh4.5 billion (20.9%).

Others are state officers in county governments who got Ksh4 billion (18.8%), civil service Ksh1.8 billion (8.5%), other public officers Ksh745 million (3.4%), county state officers Ksh408 million (1.9%), Judiciary state officers (1.4%), Executive state offices Ksh126 million (0.6%), and parliament state officers Ksh78 million (0.4%).

On the other hand, civil servants are set to lose several perks in the new changes.

The perks scrapped include retreat allowances, sitting, and taskforce allowances for Institutional and Internal Committees.

Further, SRC said Daily Subsistence Allowance (DSA) for local travel had been standardised across the country for the respective grades.

“The prevailing rates for cities will apply. The DSA for Foreign Travel remains unchanged, save for correction of a few countries,” SRC noted.

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