Three handed death sentence for robbing woman Sh900,000 and killing her

Three men were on Wednesday handed death sentence by a Moyale court after they were found guilty of robbery with violence.
Abdi Aden Isaak Samon, Mohammed Ibrahim Hassan, and Aliow Aden Hussein appeared before Moyale Principal Magistrate Edward Too charged with robbery with violence
The charges read that on April 5, 2019, at Jesuramu town in Mandera West in Mandera County, they robbed Dunia Abdow Adennoor of Ksh400,000 and 150,000 Ethiopian Birr (Ksh526,000) and killed her immediately thereafter.
The court found them guilty after the witnesses gave strong evidence against the accused.
In his ruling, Too considered the evidence adduced by the witnesses indicated that the prosecution had proved beyond reasonable doubts that they are the ones who stole and instead of sparing the victim they killed her.
The Magistrate also considered that the second accused, Mohammed Ibrahim Hassan, had a previous conviction of being in possession of ammunition in Wajir although he was later acquitted following an appeal.
The murder convicts have 14 days to appeal the sentence.