
Starehe MP Jaguar arrested

01:00 PM
Starehe MP Jaguar arrested

Starehe MP Charles Njagua, alias Jaguar, was arrested Wednesday afternoon following xenophobic remarks he made recently against Ugandans and Tanzanians.

Jaguar was arrested outside Parliament Buildings and whisked to a yet-to-be-known police station.

His arrest comes just a day after Tanzanian lawmakers demanded action be taken against the Kenyan parliamentarian over his “kick Tanzanian traders out of Kenya” remarks.

“If you visit our markets, you would realise they have been taken over by Tanzanian and Ugandan traders. It is time we say: ‘Enough is enough’! We give the Kenyan authorities 24 hours to send the foreign traders away. If they don’t, we – personally — will beat them up and kick them out. We fear nobody,” said Jaguar in the video clip.

On Tuesday, Kenya reassured foreign investors in the country of their safety following Jaguar’s remarks.

Government spokesperson, Cyrus Oguna, distanced Kenya’s leadership from Jaguar’s school of thought.

“We wish to state that this is not the position of the Government of the Republic of Kenya, and we denounce the comments carried in the video in the strongest terms possible,” read a part of press statement issued by Oguna.


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