The sentencing of a student who started fire at Moi Girls’ High School in 2017 leaving 10 students dead failed to take place on Monday, January 3.
Justice Stella Mutuku was to deliver the jail sentence to T.W.G (not her real name) who is still being held at Lang’ata Women’s Prison but the court postponed the ruling to January 14.
The judge said that the ruling had been postponed because the probation report and the victim assessment impact report were not ready.
Such statements are written accounts prepared by crime victims detailing the impact of the crime in their lives- they may be physical, financial, emotional or psychological.
This is usually done by the probation officer who shares it with the victims and hands it to the court.
On December 16, the court found the student guilty of 10 counts of manslaughter.
The young girl while being questioned by the court on why she decided to commit the heinous crime said that it was all because she hated the school and wanted to be transferred.
T.W.G said that she hated the fact that she had been assigned to clean the toilets.
According to her, she had also informed her parents that she wanted to be taken out of the institution.
“Subject, in her naivety, may have overlooked the consequences of her actions. Her attempt to wake some of her friends up was aimed at rescuing them from the fire,” the judge said.
It is reported that on the fateful day when she set the school dormitory ablaze, the girl said a prayer asking God to forgive her for what she was planning to do.
The matter has been dragging in court since 2017 because the convict’s parents were given time to compose themselves as they shared what had really transpired.