‘Poor’ Nyamira woman cries for help after giving birth to triplets

When Lydia Kwamboka went into labour two weeks ago, she expected to give birth to one baby only to be surprised when she was told she was expecting triplets.
Kwamboka expected to get a fifth child in her family which already had twins as third borns but was blessed with two girls and one boy making the total number of children she has with her husband Abraham Omooria to be seven.
It has not been easy for Kwamboka to cater for the needs of the triplets with her husband having lost his job due to challenges posed by COVID-19 affecting various sectors of the economy forcing him to relocate to their Memisi Village home in Borabu Sub County in Nyamira County.
“I am not able to breastfeed these babies up to six months as required. We also have no money to buy milk because my husband lost his job,” Kwamboka said.
She said that her twins were born in 2017 and at the time they did not have any problem taking care of them since her husband had a stable job and with the birth of the triplets they would not risk having any other child since they may risk getting another set of twins or triplets.
Kwamboka said that she is unable to breastfeed the triplets due to lack of enough breastmilk and that the milk formula required for their nourishment is quite expensive for her family and they would appreciate help to bring them up from well-wishers as they struggle to make ends meet.
Omooria said that he used to work in a company offering cleaning service in Nairobi and that he was among employees declared redundant with the rise of COVID-19 cases which affected the economy and that he was forced to move back home to engage in casual jobs.
“My employer shut down his company after the outbreak of coronavirus and he did not pay us salary for months. I had to relocate back to the village,” he said.
He said that when they got the triplets he had mixed emotions thinking of the burden ahead with the now large family depending on him and that they were doing everything possible to ensure that their children were well brought up despite the hardships they are facing at the moment.
Joseph Nyakeri the grandfather to the triplets said that their family was happy with the blessing and that they were trying every little way possible to assist his son take care of the addition to their family despite the economic hardships being experienced everywhere at the moment.
The old man said he was very proud to have twins and triplets in the family saying that was a sign of blessings in the future and that they would do everything possible to ensure they are well brought up.