Wednesday 3rd, July, 2024

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Kiambu among Counties to be hit blackout on Monday 

Kenya Power technicians at work.
Kenya Power technicians at work. PHOTO/KenyaPowerLtd/Facebook

A power outage scheduled for Monday, July 1, 2024, is set to impact two Counties across Kenya, according to the latest announcement from Kenya Power.

The blackout, which is planned for maintenance purposes, will affect several areas at different times of the day.

The outage, while temporary, is expected to impact various sectors and activities in the affected Counties.

Kenya Power said that the Monday power interruption will affect Bomet and Kiambu Counties.


Area: Kapkoros, Kiplokyi

Time: 9:00 am. – 4:00 pm

Places affected:  Kapkoros Mkt, Kapkoros KTDA T/Fact, Ndaraweta T/Fact, Tirgaga T/Fact, Ruseya, Maaset, Chesoen Mkt, Kiplelji Mkt, Aisaik, Singorwet, Kipkoi, Bondet Mkt, Ngainet Mkt, Kwenik Kabilet & adjacent customers.


Area: Kiambururu, Kanjai

Time: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Places affected:  Nyaga Sec, Ndathini, Miguta, Kwa Ndonga, Kanjai, Magomano, Gakoe, Kiambururu, Kamuchege, Kanjuku, Waruhiu Farm & adjacent customers.

Area: Thindigua, Njathaini

Time: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Places affected;  Kiambu High, Kirima Tent, Njathaini Rd, Starehe Girls, Windsor Pump, Part of Thinhigwa, GG Shops, Quickmatt, Mushroom Rd, Ngomongo & adjacent customers.

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