Thursday 27th, June, 2024

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LSK offers legal assistance to protesters arrested by police

LSK President Faith Odhiambo
LSK President Faith Odhiambo. PHOTO/@FaithOdhiambo8/X

The Law Society of Kenya (LSK) has offered to provide legal assistance to protesters who were unlawfully detained during the Finance Bill 2024 demonstration on Tuesday, June 18, 2024, in Nairobi.

In a statement published on Wednesday, June 19, 2024, LSK said that the legal assistance is in solidarity with those affected while exercising their constitutional rights.

LSK further gave out a toll-free line where affected demonstrators who would like to fill complaints could reach out.

“The Law Society of Kenya stands in solidarity with those affected by the disrupted peaceful protests. If you need legal assistance, have been unlawfully detained, or have suffered injuries you would like to report, please reach out to us via the toll-free line 0800 720 434,” LSK said.


LSK helps protestors

In solidarity with the demonstrators, LSK  president Faith Odhiambo on Tuesday, June 19, 2024, disclosed that the members of the LSK were able to secure the release of the unlawfully detained protestors.

“After a long day of dedicated efforts from members of @LawSocietyofKeacross Nairobi, we are happy to inform the public that the protestors are currently being released from Kilimani, Kamukunji and Central police stations,” Odhiambo said.

She says that the councils from the Nairobi branch held a vigil at various police stations across the county where the demonstrators were detained.

“The national council is holding a vigil at Central Police Station to ensure all those being held at the station are released. Some of our members were at Kilimani Police Station earlier where they have secured the release of the protestors that had been held there,” she said.

LSK president Faith Odhiambo
LSK President Faith Odhiambo. PHOTO/@FaithOdhiambo8/X

“The@lsk_nbicouncil are at Kamukunji Police Station to ensure the release of protesters held there. We call on our members within the vicinity to report to Kamukunji Police Station to assist the team there.”

Lauding the brave advocates who stood by the protestors, Odhiambo further stated that LSK remains devoted to ensuring the 2010 Constitution is upheld and protected as well as the rights of Kenyans are respected.

“We remain steadfast in ensuring the rule of law is not circumvented and the rights of our people are respected. We appreciate the support and encouragement from the public and laud all the brave Advocates who came out today to stand for what is right,” she said.

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