Thursday 27th, June, 2024

8:50 AM EAT


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‘Instruct police to release all protesters’ – Jimi Wanjigi tells Ruto

Businessman Jimi Wanjigi during a past event. PHOTO/@JimiWangi/X
Businessman Jimi Wanjigi during a past event. PHOTO/@JimiWangi/X

Businessman-cum politician Jimi Wanjigi has told President William Ruto to instruct the police to release all protesters that were arrested during the Finance Bill, 2024 protests in Nairobi.

In a video posted on his official X account on Tuesday, June 18, 2024, Wanjigi said that picketing and protesting is enshrined in the Kenyan constitution.

“Ruto, picketing and protesting is in our constitution. Instruct your police, because it seems they only get instructions from you contrary to the law, to release all the protesters. There is nothing they have done contrary to the law. Stop the harassment of Kenyans. Release them immediately,” Jimi Wanjigi said.

Jimi Wanjigi joins other leaders who have been calling for the release of the protesters that were arrested in Nairobi CBD while demonstrating against the Finance Bill, 2024.

Occupy Parliament protests

A section of Kenyans planned the protests dubbed Occupy Parliament, aimed at forcing the Members of the Parliament to reject the proposed bill.

On Tuesday, June 18, 2024, Embakasi East MP Babu Owino who was flanked by his Starehe counterpart Amos Mwago called for the immediate release of the protesters.

Babu Owino while addressing a press conference at parliament buildings gave the police a 24-hour ultimatum to release the protesters.

“We are giving police 24 hours to release these peaceful protesters without charge or we will move to court against the Inspector General of Police Koome in his individual capacity for gross violation of the freedom of speech and the right to picket and protest which is enshrined in our Constitution 2010,” Babu Owino said.

LSK position

His sentiments were echoed by Law Society of Kenya President Faith Odhiambo who has also called for the release of the protesters.

Odhiambo has this evening accompanied a team of lawyers to Central Police Station to demand for the release of all that were arrested while protesting.

However, she was teargassed together with the lawyers as they chanted at the station demanding to see the Officer Commanding the Station (OCS).

She later addressed a press conference condemning the act, and also took to social media to call out the police.

The lawyers that had accompanied Odhiambo to Central Police Station have stated that the police said that the arrested protesters can only be released at 6p.

Most of the protesters are being held at Central Police Station.

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