There was drama at Mombasa Law Courts on Wednesday, December 14, after a 21-year-old man threatened to strip naked to show the court a rash in his private parts.
Musa Mohamed, who appeared before Mombasa Senior Principal Magistrate Vincent for the mention of his case, told the court that his private parts had become so itchy due to the non-conducive environment at the Shimo la Tewa prison, leaving the courtroom in stitches.
“l have very itchy private privates with rashes all over l can show you,” he said as he tried to lift up his Kanzu before the magistrate immediately looked away.
He claimed that inmates at Shimo la Tewa were being held in one crowded corner, and with the current heat, he had developed heat rashes which had spread to his genitals.
“I plead with you to ask officers in charge to take me to the hospital for treatment,” he narrated adding that despite his condition he had only been given panadol at the correctional facility.
Court’s orders
Adet ordered the suspect to be taken to Coast General Referral Hospital for treatment.
Mohamed is facing charges of attempted murder after allegedly stabbing a man at Makadara in Mombasa on July 5.
“On July 5, 2022, at Makadara area within Mombasa county, jointly with another (person) attempted to unlawfully cause the death of Mzee Riadha Athman by stabbing him in the chest using a knife,” the charge sheet read in part.