Voting is a fundamental process that helps citizens choose their leaders who make decisions on their behalf.
Every five years Kenyans get to practice their democratic right of voting in their preferred candidate.
With just a day left to the August polls slated for Tuesday, August 9, 2022, Kenyans across the country are bracing themselves to vote for their preferred leaders.
What you need to vote
Ensure that you have your Kenyan Identity card or passport ready with you as you head to your respective polling station.
The identity card/Passport willl be used to verify that you are a registered voter.
How to vote
Arrive at your respective polling station between 6.00 am and 5.00 pm.
Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) officials will verify your information using the KIEMS kit which will electronically identify you as a voter.
Thereafter an IEBC official will issue you with six ballot papers that have been stamped, the papers are labelled President, Governor, Senator, Member of Pariament (MP), Woman representative, and Member of County assembly (MCA).
NB: Before you head to the polling booth ensure that your ballot paper is signed, if not return it to the polling officer.
You will then head to the polling booth where you will have access to pens attached to strings long enough to enable you to secretly mark ballot papers properly irrespective of whether you are right or left-handed.
Put a Tick ✔️,✖️ or a dot to vote for your preferred candidate. The electoral body also allows voters, more so the illiterate demographic, to use their thumbprints to mark ballot papers.
Remember that if you mark any other boxes your vote will be considered invalid.
Fold your paper and post it on your respective ballot paper (An IEBC official will then direct you to place your ballot paper in the respective ballot boxes).
Once you are done, your finger will be marked with ink as prove that you have already cast your vote Thereafter the voter will leave the station.