Police officers in Shauri Moyo, Nairobi county have launched investigations into an incident where a 55-year-old sex worker was stabbed by her customer after a disagreement.
Savelina Anatoli, currently admitted at Mama Lucy hospital, is reported to have had an argument with her customer that led to her stabbing.
The unidentified customer stabbed her on the left side of the neck with a knife before he ran in an unknown direction, leaving behind his personal effect including the knife which the police officers recovered from the crime scene.
“55-year-old sexual worker Anatoli was stabbed in the left side of the neck by her customer after they had an argument. The man ran away leaving his personal effects that were recovered from the scene including the knife he used to stab her,” the police report seen by K24 Digital read in part.
The victim was rushed to MSF hospital Mathare before she was referred to Mama Lucy Hospital where she is currently admitted.
In another incident, a 35-year-old lady died on Wednesday, December 15, 2022, from suspected abortion.
According to a police report seen by K24 Digital, Zipporah Makena had been complaining of stomach and passed on as neighbours were organizing a taxi to take her to the hospital.
During a search inside her house, the police discovered a bucket that was containing blood with clots like lumps and blood-soaked beddings.
Her body had no injury and it is suspected that Makena had been procuring an abortion.
“Makena was complaining of stomach ache and passed on while her neighbours were organizing a taxi to rush her to the hospital. The scene was visited by the police and in the house, they found a bucket containing blood with clots and her beddings were all soaked in blood,” the police report stated.
Police have launched investigations into the incident to establish the cause of the death.