Drama ensued along the Nairobi Mombasa highway in the Athi River area this morning as a minor driving a saloon car engaged police in a speed chase to avert being arrested.
The minor in full school uniform was driving a saloon car with his father sitting on the left seat. He sped off when they were flagged down by traffic police officers.
The minor managed to speed to his school located within Athi River town where police chasing him caught up with him.
To the shock of the officers, there was a pupil passenger in full school uniform who happened to be a sister to the minor.
The two minors along with their father identified as Walter Musyimi, 40, were taken to Athi River police station for interrogation before the minors were taken back to school using the police vehicle.
Musyimi, who is being detained at Athi River police station, maintained that his son is a fast driver and has two years of experience driving on Mombasa road.
Athi River sub-county police commander Mary Njoki condemned the incident saying it is a high level of traffic indiscipline that endangers other road users.
The car is being held at Athi-river police station with Musyimi awaiting to be charged in court.