Lawyer Cliff Ombeta is under investigation by the Law Society of Kenya (LSK) for allegedly practising without a practising certificate.
In a statement, LSK CEO Florence Muturi said that the lawyer could have been practising for over a year without a certificate.
“We note that there are allegations of the advocate having practised without a practising certificate for the first part of the year and as far back as last year. The allegations are being investigated and when sufficient evidence is collected, a formal complaint against the advocate will be lodged with the Advocates Disciplinary Tribunal,” Muturi stated.
Ombeta, who is the defence counsel for televangelist Ezekiel Odera alongside Danstan Omari, withdrew his practising certificate for 2023 in February but reinstated it on May 1 after members of the public flagged his ‘inactive’ status on the LSK portal.
“The Council has noted the concerns raised by members on social media platforms regarding one of our members Mr Cliff Ombeta Advocate who has been publicized by the media as the legal representative of Pastor Ezekiel Odero currently accused of crimes in relation to the Shakahola murders. It was noted that on the advocate’s search engine, the advocate had appeared as ‘Inactive’ and therefore not holding a current practising certificate for the year 2023 yet he has been reported to be actively representing clients and taking instructions,” Muturi stated.
Ombeta’s status
The advocate’s status was on Tuesday, May 2, 2023, updated to ‘active’ thus raising various issues and accusations that the Society has colluded with the advocate to change his status. According to Muturi, the status changed automatically after the lawyer paid the prerequisite fees to the Society.
“The advocate did a notice of intention to take out his practising certificate for the year 2023 pursuant to Section 25 of the Advocates Act having not held a Practising Certificate in the year 2022. The application was tabled before the Council on 26th January 2023 and approved. The advocate was notified, by letter, on 2nd February 2023. The application was approved on the condition that the advocate paid backfees and any other fees required. The advocate paid backfees, Advocates Benevolent Association (ABA) fees and CPD fees on 7th March 2023,” Muturi said.
“Upon payment, he was eligible to apply for the practising certificate 2023. The advocate paid for his practising certificate on 1st May, 2023 at 4.36 pm and was issued a receipt, via the portal, on the same date. Upon payment, the system automatically activates the member on the next rollover, which was the morning of 2nd May 2023.”