The Ethics and Anti-corruption Commission (EACC) officers have arrested a police officer in Meru for allegedly demanding a Ksh10,000 bribe from a bodaboda rider.
George Waweru Kagia of Mutuati police station is alleged to have stopped the rider and demanded documents to prove that he owned the motorbike he was riding. The rider however did not have the documents with him.
“Following investigations into a complaint by a bodaboda rider in Igembe North, Meru County, EACC arrested Police Officer George Waweru Kagia of Mutuati Police Station who demanded Kes.10,000 bribe to release the complainant’s motorbike that he had confiscated and detained,” EACC confirmed the arrest.
When he later presented ownership documents, Kagia said they were not genuine and demanded a Ksh10,000 bribe to release the detained motorbike.
Kagia has been detained awaiting arraignment.